Please refer to the arrival and dismissal map to find your child’s grade level entrance. Grade level entrances will remain accessible from 8:25-8:40. After Labor Day, grade level entrances will close at 8:35. If your child arrives after the 8:40 bell, they can enter through the main office to be checked in before heading to class. For families that walk or drop off at school, please plan to use Weathersfield Way or Winchester Lane and take the path through to Campanelli. The parking lot will be closed (between 8:20-8:40 and 3:00-3:15) and cars will not be allowed in or outof the Campanelli parking lot during arrival or dismissal.
At the end of the day, we will dismiss kindergarten students at 2:55 while our playground is under construction, 1st-6th grade bussers at 3:00 p.m. and then dismiss walkers and students with a parent pick up. Students that walk home independently will need to check in at home before they are allowed to play on the playground or on school property. Teachers will give a thumbs up when all students have been picked up by their parent or guardian before the playground will be accessible after school hours. At this time, our main playground is under construction. We hope for it to be ready in September and thank you for avoiding the construction area. Thank you for your patience and ensuring the safety of our students!